WebYep is a Compact Web Content Management System for extremely simple creation of editable web pages. It is a low priced alternative for small to medium websites.
WebYep quickly turns your existing website into editable pages where you can update the contents directly from within your web browser. A click on the login icon and you can modify texts, upload images, change menus inline, without having to switch to any administrative interface.
WebYep focuses on web designers that concentrate on design and don't want to adopt PHP or deep HTML skills to simply make some web pages editable, who don't want to rebuild the whole website to integrate a CMS and don't want to change the way the create web pages, just to use a CMS.
WebYep is targeted to small to medium websites, where editors just want to change some text here and an image there from time to time and don't want to become full time CMS professionals for these simple tasks.
Straightforward and compact
No databases required
No PHP or HTML knowledge required
Minimum configuration effort
Minimum to no training for users
Very moderate pricing
Easy to use integration with Adobe Dreamweaver, RapidWeaver and Freeway